I'm Cherie, a desisted GNC female. I'm 22-years-old; born & raised in the Pacific-western region of the USA. I am OSA, a Pisces, a crazy cat lady...and femcel-esque.
Personality summary: Mild-mannered and respectful; never cursed. Fairly critical.
Probably laid up somewhere drinking a beer while simultaneously knotting my fingers, wholesomely, in my pubic hair.
What I know myself to like: radical feminist politics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, homosexuality, post-psychiatry, economics, criminology, ancient architecture, felines, retro comics, synthetic biochemical medicine (pharmaceuticals), neurotypology/neurodiversity, psychonautics, collecting vintage care bear plushies, as well as the original American greeting cards, Rose O'Neill's "Kewpie" dolls, conducting psychoanalysis on social figures that I have no real material connection to, nonfiction books, dark roast black coffee, beer, RPF/RPS, the history & technical development of film production, and...whatever else.